Fleck is the perfect translation app for those who love to read (physical) books in foreign languages.
Instantly translate or find synonyms for unfamiliar words by simply pointing your iPhone camera at them.
A fast and intuitive interface lets you stay immersed in your reading unlike when using traditional translations apps or dictionaries.
Free to use and without ads!
53 Supported languages:
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Azerbaijani
- Basque
- Bosnian
- Catalan
- Cebuano
- Chinese
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Esperanto
- Estonian
- Filipino
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Galician
- Hindi
- Haitian Creole
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Indonesian
- Irish
- Italian
- Japanese
- Javanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Malay
- Maltese
- Marathi
- Nepali
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Sanskrit
- Serbian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Uzbek
- Vietnamese
- Welsh
- Zulu